1. 流行音乐的了解:I know nothing about pop music.
2. 对音乐的喜好:She enjoys all kinds of music, as I do.
3. 音乐的节奏感:This type of music has a strong beat to it.
在双语例句中,我们可以看到音乐在不同场合的应用:1. 音乐和舞蹈的持续:音乐和舞蹈一直持续到凌晨两点。There was music and dancing till two in the morning.
2. 音乐厅的管弦乐队:我们进入音乐厅时,管弦乐队正在调音。The orchestra was tuning up as we entered the hall.
3. 音乐盛会的高潮:星期天的音乐盛会将把这次会演推向高潮。The festival will climax on Sunday with a gala concert.
4. 音乐与氛围的营造:柔和的音乐和灯光衬托出了适宜的氛围。Mellow music and lighting helped to create the right atmosphere.
5. 音乐演奏的技巧要求:演奏这一段音乐需要有很高的技艺。It is a technically demanding piece of music to play.
6. 音乐与情感的激发:那音乐和酒逐渐使他性欲萌动。The music and wine began to make him feel sexy.
7. 音乐与舞蹈的共鸣:音乐和舞蹈的声音使得整个大厅似乎都在震颤。The hall reverberated with the sound of music and dancing.
8. 音乐与气氛的活跃:咱们放些音乐活跃一下气氛吧。Let's put some music on to liven things up.
9. 音乐的创新融合:他的音乐结合了传统和新技术。His music is an integration of tradition and new technology.