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原创 2025-01-09 17:00:44 次阅读

电影院的英文是 "cinema" 或 "movie theater"。电影院是一个专门放映电影的场所,提供观众舒适的座椅和高质量的视听效果。通常,电影院会根据不同电影的上映时间安排多个放映厅,观众可以根据自己的喜好选择观看。此外,电影院还会提供爆米花、饮料等小吃,增加观影体验。电影院是人们享受电影艺术的重要场所。

When discussing the world of film exhibition, several English terms are commonly used to refer to a cinema. These include "Cinema," "Movie," and "Theater." Each term carries its own nuances and is used in different contexts within the industry and among moviegoers.

Classification of Cinema Sizes

The size of a cinema is categorized based on the seating capacity of its auditoriums. The classifications are as follows:

  • Super Large: Over 1801 seats or more than 11 halls
  • Large: Between 1201 and 1800 seats or 8 to 10 halls
  • Medium: Between 701 and 1200 seats or 5 to 7 halls
  • Small: Under 700 seats or 4 halls

Quality Standards of Cinemas

Cinemas are also graded for quality, with four levels: Special, A, B, and C. These grades intersect with the size categories mentioned above. The requirements for each grade are:

  • Structural durability: A grade over 100 years, B grade 50-100 years, C grade 25-50 years
  • Fire resistance: A and B grades must be at least second-level, C grade must be at least third-level, with no super large cinemas

Components of a Cinema

The auditorium is the primary component of a cinema, with the screen size being a key factor in its design. The larger the screen, the more spectators it can accommodate. Different types of films may require different screen shapes, such as:

  • Widescreen films: Screens with a higher aspect ratio
  • Omnidirectional films: Circular screens
  • Dome films: Dome-shaped screens

The sound in a cinema is derived directly from the film's soundtrack and does not rely on the acoustics of the auditorium. The acoustic design of a cinema should meet the frequency response characteristics of a mixing studio to accurately reproduce the film's audio.

Memory Techniques for English Vocabulary

Mastering the English terminology related to cinema can be facilitated by employing various memory techniques:

  • Observational memory: Identifying similar patterns within words, such as "boy," "toy," and "joy."
  • Morphological memory: Understanding the structure of words, like prefixes and suffixes, for example, "un-" for negation and "-ful" for abundance.
  • Reading memory: Incorporating vocabulary learning into reading practices, marking unfamiliar words and looking up their meanings in a dictionary.
  • Associative memory: Linking words with synonyms, antonyms, related terms, sentences, and passages for better retention.
  • Note-taking memory: Using the act of writing and recording to commit words to memory.

