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原创 2024-10-05 20:00:46 次阅读

"Homework" 是一个可数名词。总结内容:"Homework" 指的是家庭作业,通常指学校布置给学生在课外完成的任务。它可以是一份作业、多项作业或一系列的作业,因此可以被数数。例如,可以说 "I have two pieces of homework to do tonight"(我今晚有两项家庭作业要做)。

Homework: Countable or Uncountable?

Homework, as a concept, is often considered uncountable because it represents a collective body of tasks rather than discrete units that can be counted individually. This is why when referring to homework, we typically use singular verbs. For instance, one might say, "My homework is to read a chapter," rather than "My homework are to read chapters."

Homework Defined

1. Student's Homework

Homework is a set of tasks assigned by teachers for students to complete outside of class. It serves as a means to reinforce learning and develop skills. Here are some examples of how it is used in sentences:

  • "I still haven't done my geography homework."
  • "How much homework do you get?"
  • "My homework today is to write a composition."

2. Preparation Work

Beyond its academic context, "homework" can also refer to the preparatory work done before engaging in a particular activity or making a decision. This usage is often found in business or personal contexts where thorough preparation is crucial:

  • "Before you go near a stockbroker, do your homework."
  • "I have to do a lot of homework for tomorrow's meeting."
  • "You could tell that he had really done his homework."


Housework, on the other hand, refers to the various tasks involved in maintaining a household, such as cleaning, cooking, and laundry. It is a countable noun and can be used in both singular and plural forms:

  • "Housework keeps mother on the fly all day."
  • "We alternate in doing the housework."
  • "I often help my mother with housework on weekends."

Both homework and housework are essential parts of life, with the former focusing on educational tasks and the latter on domestic responsibilities. Understanding the difference between these two terms and their usage is key to effective communication.
